Our Process

We couple International experience and recruiting expertise with industry knowledge and data informed solutions.

Every team is different and our process uses best practices to build a bespoke hiring process specific to your role, your company and your culture.

Let's find the right people to help bring your business to the next level!


1. Getting to Know You

Before starting a search, we want to make sure that we can work together. It's important to us that you are a good match - and if we can help you find the right person to join your team.

We only work with companies whose values align with our own, and whose needs we are confident we're able to meet.


2. Scoping the role.

We complete an intake meeting with all relevant stakeholders to understand more about the role, why we're hiring for this position and what you are looking for.

We also ensure your teams are thinking about your business' unique culture and diversity best practices as well as the technical requirements.


3. Setting up the Recruitment Funnel and Going to Market.

From this point we help create and edit the job description, define the interview process (using the very best practices from big tech).

We don't just wait for people to apply either. We engage with our community and proactively reach out to the very best talent to ensure the perfect match for your role.


4. Shortlist, References and Hire.

We want to make sure you can spend valuable time with each candidate, so we keep our shortlist candidates down to 3-5 people.

From here, it’s a matter of talking to candidates, finding the perfect fit, and sorting an offer. We handle all that with the speed and professionalism you’d expect from any recruiter. 


Our Guarantee

We are confident we will find the perfect person for your company, however we know sometimes things happen.

We focus on building long term partnerships with the businesses we work with. As such, we offer a 1 month guarantee for all junior and mid-level positions and a 2 month guarantee for executive level hires. 

If placements don't work out in that time, we will start the search again free of charge.  

 Contact today to kickstart the process to help find your next hire!

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