Resumes - How to Specify for Each Role

In today's competitive job market, the one-size-fits-all approach to resume submission, often referred to as "spray and pray," is becoming increasingly outdated. Gone are the days when you could send out the same generic resume to multiple job openings and expect to land your dream job. Employers are now looking for candidates who show a deep understanding of the specific role and company they're applying to. So, how do you stand out? The key lies in crafting a customised resume for each job application, starting with a strong Core Resume.

The Importance of a Core Resume

Defining Your Core Resume

A Core Resume serves as the foundation for all your job applications. It's a comprehensive document that includes your education, work history, skills, certifications, and achievements. Think of it as your professional profile in its purest form.

Building a Strong Foundation

Your Core Resume is like a solid building foundation. It provides a consistent overview of your qualifications and experience, making it easier to tailor your resume for different roles. This document should evolve over time, incorporating new skills and experiences as you grow in your career.

Identifying Your Unique Selling Points (USPs)

Before customising, identify your Unique Selling Points (USPs). These are the skills, experiences, and qualities that make you stand out. They should align with your career goals and the types of positions you're pursuing.

Customising Your Core Resume for Each Job Application

Understanding the Job Description

The first step in customisation is thoroughly understanding the job description. Highlight the key requirements, responsibilities, and qualifications. This will serve as your guide in making your resume relevant to the role.

Highlighting Relevant Skills and Experience

Review your Core Resume and select the skills and experiences that align with the job requirements. Emphasise these on your customised resume. For example, if the job requires project management skills, highlight relevant projects you've managed.

Tailoring Your Professional Summary

Customise your professional summary to emphasise your alignment with the specific role. Mention your enthusiasm for the company and how your background makes you an ideal fit.

Showcasing Achievements that Match the Role

Incorporate achievements that are relevant to the job. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to demonstrate your impact. For instance, mention how you increased sales by a certain percentage or completed a project ahead of schedule.

Aligning Keywords for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many employers use ATS to filter resumes. Include relevant keywords from the job description to ensure your resume makes it through this initial screening.

Adapting Your Education and Certifications

If you have relevant certifications or coursework, highlight them in your customised resume. Align your education section with the job's requirements.

Formatting and Presentation

Ensure your customised resume is well-structured, error-free, and visually appealing. Consistency in formatting is crucial.


Customising your resume for each job application is no longer an option; it's a necessity. It shows potential employers that you're serious about their specific role and that you possess the skills and experiences they're looking for. By starting with a strong Core Resume and using free tools to tailor your applications, you'll gain a competitive advantage in today's job market. So, take the time to craft personalised resumes that make you the standout candidate for every job you apply to. Your dream job may be just one customised resume away.


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